Natalie Lacek (b. 1999, Pennsylvania) is a portraiture photographer based in Pittsburgh, PA. She has a mature comfort level by not limiting her creative boundaries and is always enthusiastic about learning new techniques within the medium. Her specialization in portrait, branding, and event photography aims to show the beauty in everyone. Natalie has many passions alongside photography such as advocating for the planet, marketing/social media strategies, and helping others grow and succeed in their business as well.
how my business does good…
✨Be authentic. With kind and humane service, my goal is to give every client a positive and professional experience. When you walk out of a session with me you will feel empowered and ready to take on the world with images to reflect that.
🌎Restore our Planet. As you may know, our planet is suffering from environmental impacts. My business revolves around changing this by shopping local, supporting small businesses, and advocating for our planet during difficult times and conversations.
🤍Support others. We are in this together. My business is here to share knowledge, skills, and any information to help you succeed. Creating a community for people who all want to grow together in the same direction is valuable and important to me.
📚Learn more. Knowledge is key. Having healthy mindsets about the past, present, and future will invite new experiences into my business. By setting realistic goals and adjusting them as I grow while gaining feedback from clients, I will build my skill set to lead me in continuing to produce the highest quality of work for you.
💌Give back. A long term goal of mine is to gain enough revenue to not only live comfortably, but to donate to organizations that I strongly believe in. Giving back to the community is important to me as a business owner and individual.